Monday, March 1, 2010

My Car Was Repossessed In Nj Now What

Public call for external experts


"GA De Cosmo"

Piazza Mazzini, Tel 0922.916471 Fax 0922.916062

District No. 008 - CF 80007730841

Casteltermini 92025 - Ag

@-mail: web site :

Prot. n. 1031/B37                                                                                 Casteltermini, 23.02.2010
Structural Funds 2007/2013 - National Operational Programme: "Skills Development" financed by the European Social Fund. Integrated Plans - Annuity 2009/2010
• According to the Circular No Prot AOODGAI/8124 of 15.7.2008;
• According to the communication of 27/01/2010 Prot n: AOODGAI - 769 of MIUR declaring eligible the financing of the Institute of Integrated Plan - 2096 of 04/03/2009 AOODGAI / Integrated Plan 2009, presented by this educational institution, for the annual 2009/2010 and authorizing its implementation (Authorization object sizing annual school plans 2009 / 2010)
• Given the guidelines for the preparation of the integrated online;
• Given the decision of the Academic Board No 12.02.2010 6 of which have been approved projects submitted by NOP for the Institute for the annual 2009/2010;
• Given the Minutes # 7 of 22 January 2010 the Board of Institute for formal recruitment to the budget approved initiatives to identify and the criteria for selection of external experts;


The opening of the deadlines for submission of applications such as external experts for the following training activities, co-financed by European Social Fund, to be implemented under the NOP "Skills for Development 2007-2013 ".
Objective C: Improve the competence levels of knowledge of young
Action C1: Assistance for the development of key skills (communication in the mother tongue, communication in foreign languages, mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology, digital competence , learn, social skills and civic spirit of enterprise and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and expression).
Target group: Secondary School Students of First Instance

National Project code: C-1-FSE-2009-4882 - Reference: 2096 2009 AOODGAI

degree in computer engineering, or other equivalent degree, experience in the teaching laboratory science with proven experience in the multimedia training courses in PON and POR (30 hours)

; Degree in mathematics or equivalent degree, expert certified laboratory with expertise in education and teaching experience in the field / subject of interest in training courses in PON and POR (50 hours)
The ITALIAN and computing, the school newspaper
Degree in Italian language and literature / communication studies, journalism expert with certified skills: advertising and / or partnerships with newspapers and magazines and experiences (special preparation is required on the approach to the age set out in Module) An expert in the teaching laboratory Italian language and techniques of learning and with documented experience in training courses in PON and POR (50 hours)
Degree and / or Native English speaker with expertise in teaching English language training in ESF (PON, POR), an expert to conduct a workshop involving students in meaningful activities Novelty performances, sound and creative writing (50 hours)

to revisit the past to understand the present
degree outside expert in folk traditions with a long experience and professional certificate or statement of the Sicilian Folklore and folk groups. Experience in preparing instrumental, vocal and choreography. with proven experience and training in ESF (PON, POR) (50ore)

degree in literature / history / philosophy / law / DAMS expert in teaching civic education workshop with proven experience in training new methodologies with proven experience and training in ESF (PON, POR) (30 hours)
Target group: Primary School Students

LEARNING BY DOING Degree in English with expertise in teaching English in ESF training (PON, POR), an expert to conduct a workshop involving students in meaningful recreational activities-plays, sound and creative writing (50ore)

LEARN TO LIVE BETTER degree in biology / geology / agricultural sciences with experience in environmental issues (pollution, recycling, sustainable development, recycling, power) (50ore)

JOURNALISTS IN GRASS Degree in Italian language and literature / journalism, communication studies expert with certified skills: advertising and / or partnerships with newspapers and magazines and experiences (special preparation is required to approach for age group provided by the module) Expert in the teaching laboratory Italian language and techniques of learning and with documented experience in training courses in PON and POR (50ore)

degree or equivalent degree in mathematics, an expert with proven experience in teaching laboratory training in new methodologies and teaching experience in the field / subject of interest in training courses in PON and POR (30 hours)

degree in literature / history / philosophy / law / DAMS expert in relationship dynamics and civil society, with proven experience and training in ESF (PON, POR) (30 hours)

The application on plain paper, addressed to the Headmaster of the Comprehensive School "GA De Cosmi in Casteltermini, showing personal information, phone number and e-mail, must by law be accompanied by curriculum vitae in European format, signed, which shows the skills and experience required for the activities for the courses. The application must be sent, via registered mail or direct delivery to the protocol office of the Institute, located in Piazza Mazzini - 92025 Casteltermini (AG) no later than 12 noon on March 6, 2010 in an envelope bearing on the back Item della stessa con la seguente dicitura“P.O.N. 2007-2013 Competenze per lo Sviluppo – SELEZIONE ESPERTI ESTERNI PIANO INTEGRATO DEGLI INTERVENTI – PON 2007-2013 – ANNUALITÀ 2009/2010.
E' possibile presentare una singola domanda, corredata da curriculum vitae, per ogni progetto al quale si intende partecipare.
Il candidato dovrà altresì contestualmente alla domanda produrre:

- Dichiarazione con la quale si impegna ad assumere l’incarico senza riserva e secondo il calendario approvato dal Gruppo Operativo del Piano;
- Autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati personali in conformità alla legge 30/06/2003 n°196. Non farà fede il timbro postale di shipment. will not be taken into consideration requests sent by fax or e-mail.
application and curriculum vitae should also be accompanied by a declaration of self-certification of the veracity of the information contained therein.
In the case of more applications for the same type the GOP will proceed to a comparative assessment of the product documentation, with particular reference to:
- academic, cultural and certifications;
- specific experiences consistent with the activities planned, - previous experience in School Projects PON; - previous collaborations with the Institute and knowledge of the area in which the school
- use knowledge ICT;
- knowledge portal for PON Project Management School:
The assignment will be given even in the presence of a single instance. A
equal scores, the DS and the GOP has the right to meet with interested parties, to evaluate the educational value and relevance of the projects provided by the experts involved. The evaluation of qualifications and professional, documented or self-certified, will be based on the criteria and scores approved by the school board at its meeting on 22.02.2010
(vautazione criteria of qualifications and professional as well as the format of the instance to accompanying the statement of points you can download the complete announcement)

At the same score will be preferred candidates outside the administration, residents on-site or through an interview with the DS or the GOP, fail to produce the design more interesting and relevant.
This notice will be published for ten days enrollment Institute Blog:, and sent via e-mail to the Provincial Department of Labor and will be publicized through posters and flyers in order to give maximum circulation.
The documents submitted will not be returned, and experts that will be assigned the task, after being comparative evaluation of curricula by the Group Operational Plan will be contacted directly by schools.
The task will be assigned according to rank, for all professions contained in this announcement.

Each expert will be assigned a single task.

Prospective employees by the PA or other Directors will be authorized by it and the conclusion of the contract will require the issuing of this authorization.
The hourly rate will be paid (as provided for by Community law and national jurisdiction) after the actual delivery proponent of funding the Institute by the competent Ministry. The remuneration will be subject to withholding taxes and social security will be provided and compared to the hours actually worked.

The expert will be responsible for: 

attend regular meetings of an organizational planned by the Group Operational Plan;
 develop, together with the tutor, a project plan from which you highlight objectives, expected skills, methodological strategies, activities, content and any end products. The project should also be consistent with the objectives of the Plan;
 do the lectures and / or practices at the laboratory given in days, hours and locations defined by the calendar of Integrated Plan;
 develop and provide materials to students on the topics covered (lecture notes, cd-rom etc.)
 develop, in collaboration with the GOP and the Tutor inner, mid and end of each module, the verifications and periodic assessment of the training;
 assess and evaluate the skills of incoming students, monitor the ongoing learning process, assess and certify skills acquired;
 use the insert data into the system "PON Project" to document the activities on time, update the data on the subjects the program, the checks with the relevant assessments and so requested by the system (contents, methods, and evaluations of the students, lecture notes ... ...), according to the expected timing for the proper management of plans and a sound monitoring the same, so it requires appropriate computer skills 
delivered at the conclusion of the assignment, the program has done, the checks, the register of signatures duly filled in, all the material produced, the final product of the application form and a final report activity.
Information on actions of PON are popular with all the publicity, in order to enhance the role of the European Community and to ensure maximum transparency of the Funds.
This notice is posted on the school enrollment on 23.02.2010.

The Headmaster

Dr. Pina Butera

The activities covered by this document is part of the Institute of Integrated Plan, annual 2009-2010, and is co-financed by European Social Fund and by the European Fund for Regional Development under the National Operational Programme 2007-2013 to ownership of the Ministry of Education, University and Research - General Management Business International - Office IV.


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