Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Make A Shower Curtain Sail

improve the speed of ZOOM

To improve the speed of Zoom and Regeneration in AutoCAD is possible on computers with dual processors by changing the variable WHIPTHREAD , which is set to deafult 1. This variable has four values: 0
  1. , Processing multihread not activated, the regeneration is limited to a single processor;
  2. 1 , defualt value, processing multihread enabled only for regeneration;
  3. 2 processing multihread enabled only for the retracement;
  4. 3 processing multihread enabled for the retracement and regeneration.

values \u200b\u200b 1 , 2, and 3 take advantage of the multiprocessor to increase performance. Sometimes, using the values \u200b\u200b 2 and 3 that if we use the ORDINADIS , objects do not maintain the order of appearance after regeneration, while printing is preserved.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How I Can Take A Dealer License In Calgary

Relief Map in Render AutoCAD 2010 & 2011

The composition map in relief is used when we want to create the rendering, embossed or bas-relief effects, Figure 1. In this post I insert one of many examples, this very simple, which is discussed in my latest book Vol.2 2010 & AutoCAD 2011 3D Design, Modeling and Rendering free where you can find several financial management topics and materials for rendering.

Figure 1 - Example of a graphic object without relief map of map of the left and right pad. The rendering was done with a medium setting using a standard point light

To simulate the effect of relief is necessary use a black and white texture, Figure 2, where the dark areas are regarded as lacking in depth, while the white areas in relief, or a color image, but in this case, the program automatically interprets each color to grayscale .

Figure 2 - Texture inserted into the channel map composzione in relief of the Materials palette. This texture is achieved in Photoshop and was also used to create the shelf in the image of the book cover, this book will find explained in

To improve the effect of rendering the standard lights, Figure 3 we use photometric lights instead of standard lights getting an even more realistic, thanks to a successful deployment of the shadows Figure 4.

Figure 3 - Example of rendering a map of relief and entered the standard point light

Figure 4 - Example of rendering a map of relief and entered the photometric light

More information on how to use maps Rilfessione, opacity, composition, pad, lights, rendering basic and advanced, with the appropriate files. DWG and texture and to exercise, find them all in the book Vol.2 2010 & AutoCAD 2011 Drawing 3d free modeling and rendering

Professional Hd Camcorder Buying Guide

Story of a droplet of water

La Scuola dell'Infanzia della Scala, con i bambini di 5 anni, ha affrontato  il ciclo dell'acqua. Insieme hanno ricostruito la storia con questa presentazione. 
A febbraio-marzo parteciperanno anche al progetto "Adotta un esperimento" con l'Istituto Cattaneo, che gli farà vedere in laboratorio alcuni esperimenti con l'acqua e alla giornata della Sperimentalfesta.
Lo potete scaricare da qui:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Do Uv Toothbrush Cleaners Work?

Schindler's List - The value of a life

Monday, January 24, 2011

Can You Use Space Bags In Your Suitcase


Istituto Comprensivo “G. A. DE COSMI”
Piazza Mazzini tel. 0922.916471 – Fax 0922.912062
blog -
92025 Casteltermini – Ag.
Prot. n.6013/B37 Casteltermini 30/12/2010
Alle Scuole di ogni ordine e grado della provincia di Agrigento
All’ U. S. R. - Sicilia
Al Sindaco, Assessore P.I.
Albo Scuola

Oggetto: Azione di disseminazione e pubblicizzazione delle attività progettuali realizzate con il Piano
Integrato di Istituto – PON 2009-2010 Azione C1-FSE -2009 - 4882

The manager of the school including "GA De Cosmi in Casteltermini, announced that he had successfully completed the following training activities provided by the Institute of Integrated Plan for the school year 2009 - 2010.
"typing, typing 3" h30 secondary school-skills
"The Italian and computer science: the school newspaper" h50 secondary school in native language skills
"Journalists in the grass" h50 Primary School in native language skills
"between shapes and numbers h50 secondary school skills in mathematics
"La matematica: impariamo giocando"  h30 Scuola primaria competenze in matematica
"Noi stiamo in Europa"  h50 Scuola secondaria di primo grado comunicazione in lingua straniera
"Learning by doing"  h50 Scuola primaria comunicazione in lingua straniera
"Impariamo a vivere meglio  h50 Scuola primaria Competenze in scienze e tecnologia
"Ripercorrere il passato per capire il presente”  h50 Scuola secondaria di primo grado Consapevolezza ed
espressione culturale
"Lo stato siamo noi"  h30 Scuola secondaria di primo grado Consapevolezza ed espressione culturale
“Io, noi e gli altri”  h30 civic and social skills primary school courses
activities took place during the period between March and December.
Laboratories C1 "improve levels of knowledge and expertise of young people, divided into weekly meetings of three hours each have engaged No 242 students, no 11 faculty mentors who have assisted many n. 11 experts recruited on the basis of the selection process open to public.
The pupils were selected according to the real interests of each, and subjected to a simple aptitude test, in the manner deemed most appropriate by experts and tutors, each to their own forms. The activities relating to all forms began with the administration the placement test in order to establish the prerequisites and prior knowledge of the participants. The regular audits in progress and final results have shown the good derived from the same at the end of the teaching activities.
The lectures were aimed at creating a good atmosphere for learning and to integrate the specific objectives of competence with an improvement of human relations of collaboration and understanding between the working group, students, adults, tutors and experts.
The methodology has been focused on group work, exercises, working on the development of modules interesting and motivating, with involvement of all participants. From
attendance of pupils attending the the courses offered there was an optimum degree of the initiatives highlighted by the quality of end-products and presented in the final event held May 29 in the local cinema theater "Enzo Di Pisa, on the occasion of Europe Day celebration for Projects which had completed their training at that time.
followed by a rapid DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES AND SPECIAL PROJECTS proposed and achieved.

"typing, typing 3" Expert: Alessandro Di Giacomo
Tuto: Varsalona
Nunziata (Secondary education degree)

overall objective of the course is to educate the students to multimedia and communication, improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning frameworks The project aimed to develop and strengthen knowledge and skills to digital students who had already participated in the previous similar project PON - ESF - 2007/08 annuities, both of those pupils who are coming up this year for the first time to the project, but were already in possession of valuable knowledge and requirements needed to participate in the project in question . It has been studied and in-depth study of Microsoft Power Point, which led to the creation of a multimedia CD realizzato dai ragazzi che hanno frequentato il corso, sulla Festa del Tataratà.


PROGETTI: “Learning by doing”’Esperto: Nicastro Valeria
Tutor: Molinari Maria Antonella
( Scuola Primaria)

“Noi stiamo in Europa”, Esperto: Tahzib Shahin
Tutor: Nocito Antonella
(scuola secondaria di I° grado )

Il progetto si proponeneva di aumentare la motivazione allo studio della lingua straniera, di offrire agli alunni l’opportunità di confrontarsi direttamente con persone di madrelingua per verificare concretamente il grado di effectiveness of the passive skills (listening and reading) and active ones (speaking and writing) to acquire the ability to get involved, and motivated to face a new experience, and internalize the many incentives offered to increase its language proficiency, to develop the area of \u200b\u200binteraction and speaking, to move freely within the European Union countries like any other citizen in Europe.
Various educational activities were based primarily on the understanding of sentences and frequently used expressions, on the communication of simple and routine tasks and the ability of the description of their background and the surrounding environment. The methodology adopted was inductive and deductive. There are various teaching aids used (copying, flash cards, recordings of dialogues and conversations). The significance of the project is motivated from the observation of the centrality of today assumes, in the globalized world, knowledge of English.
In the two training modules at the end of the activities were carried out two separate final products in order to externalize and make public the work carried out in order to socialize with other students of the school community the school with the knowledge, skills and competences acquired .
In the path of the primary school was made an interesting one brochure a cui è stata affiancata la produzione di un DVD; in quest’ultimo i ragazzi delle classi quinte della scuola primaria descrivono prima in Inglese e poi in italiano i monumenti, le tradizioni, le feste, la cultura del loro paese.
Nel percorso della scuola secondaria di primo grado si è scelto attraverso le attività del corso, di offrire l’opportunità di avere una preparazione valida per coloro che erano interessati a sostenere gli esami Trinità, che è stato brillantemente superato dalla maggior parte dei corsisti. Alla fine del corso gli alunni hanno realizzato cartelloni e “Topic”.


"Retracing the past to understand the present"' Expert: Davide Gaetano Severino
Tutor: Sebastian
Sammartino (secondary school)
The project proposed an ambitious target of retrace your steps cultural of its people and its environment and culture through the study of the history of popular traditions of ancient activities, dialect and folklore to reappropriate the students a sense of belonging and identity that would otherwise be lost. Similarly
has targeted the study of territory, both in diachronic and synchronic to ensure, in a kind of parallelism and comparison analysis between what belonged to the tradition that was lost in oblivion of time, and how much, however, is still alive and celebrated in the rites and celebrations of today.
The study has therefore been to bring together attitudes, customs and ways of the past and present, bringing together different generations (grandparents, parents) but they felt closer by the common denominator of the tradition.
At the end of the course was an interesting video that re-created, what has been achieved within the activities of the course aims, in particular, the rediscovery of the Sicilian tradition of children's games such as "cucuzzaro" the "SIPA", the game of "tweaks" and others.

4) RUN FOR THE ACQUISITION OF SKILLS civic and social life

PROJECTS "The state is us," Expert: Alessandra Ciccone
Tutor: Farruggia
Agostino (secondary school)
"I, we and others "Expert: Alessandro Licata
Tutor: Monella Di Liberto Santina
The project was intended to make clear to students that each of us is a part of society, to strengthen the capacity to detect illegal actions and behaviors and to acquire correct behavior on the legal and moral in order to develop negli allievi la capacità di trovare soluzioni non violente ai conflitti personali, facendo acquisire la certezza che la crescita personale e sociale dell’intera collettività passa dal rifiuto della cultura mafiosa. Nel dare consapevolezza e certezza che nel contesto in cui si vive ci sono sempre gli anelli più deboli della catena umana, si è puntato a rafforzare e stimolare nei ragazzi l'acquisizione dei valori dell'onestà e della moralità, per promuovere la pari dignità.
Contemporaneamente si è mirato ad educare al rispetto degli altri, al rispetto dei beni della comunità e delle regole della vita sociale, al rifiuto di ogni forma di violenza e di prepotenza per stimolare nei ragazzi l’acquisizione di quei values \u200b\u200bthat are universally recognized and binding and the prevailing value for each of us., such as respect for others and the rules of civilized life.
The final products made at the conclusion of the activities are a tangible sign which shows the interpretation given by the children to the concepts of state authority, of the rules, rights and duties.
The work of the students are reflected in posters and drawings relating to the issue of legality that have been socialized and externally to a large audience composed not only by their classmates as well as parents of students enrolled who have not spared themselves the words of approval the content and release of appreciation for his work Experts from the group of students and tutors


"We learn to live better," 'Expert: Marco De Pasquale
Tutor: Anna Maria Farina
The project was intended to train people to be respectful of themselves, of others, but also the environment in which they live. It focused, therefore, the study of science and natural phenomena, through the use of the experimental scientific method, students raising awareness of environmental issues.
activities have found fulfillment in the production of illustrated posters, made dagli stessi alunni, in cui vengono messe in risalto le attività svolte attraverso immagini e descrizioni scientifiche. I giovani corsisti hanno, inoltre, presentato una catalogazione sistematica di fiori e piante, una raccolta di erbe con essenze tipiche dell’area mediterranea e dei lavori in cartapesta, tutti realizzati in bella fattura e con risultati esteticamente apprezzati dai genitori degli allievi ai quali sono stati socializzati i prodotti. .


PROGETTI “L’italiano e l’informatica: il giornale della scuola” Esperto: Vella Gerlanda Irene
Tutor: Maratta Alfonsa Rita
(scuola secondaria of First Instance)
"Journalists budding Expert: Vivian Ciccone
Cettina Nicastro (primary school).
The project aims to bring students to the media and especially the newspaper and journalistic language and comic
Through the display of the kind of news about journalism school as a whole, but also the events of our country, interviews, reports, previews and more, it was intentionally designed to refine the language skills of students to provide them the opportunity to open up the whole school and the area with a personal and responsible.
The activities of training, mostly development of journalistic language were also the means by which pupils are aware of any specific language and expressive language typical of journalism that has allowed them to refine the display capacity of their technical and expressive way of writing and speaking.
The interviews, reports and meetings with leaders and political and civil authorities of the country have allowed them to increase their self-esteem and their ability to dialogue because it has placed them in a position to interact and speak with "the respondent" on duty.
A fascinating journey and interesting because it is based on styles and ways to learn new and alternative away from the cliché rhetoric and stereotypes arid and repetitive exercises of grammar and syntax
The students have carried out four issues of the journal, "Casteltermini news, old and new, and not from Sicily," and a CD for the location of the secondary school of first grade with photos that capture the students themselves during the work to develop the journal and a unique number on four types of arguments for the location of the primary school.


PROJECTS "Mathematics: learn by playing" Expert: Messina Silvio
Tutor: Maria Carmela Maratta
(Primary School)
"between shapes and numbers" Expert: Joseph Bongiovanni
Tutor: Silvia Spoto
(secondary school)

The project was aimed to motivate students to study mathematics and to enhance their understanding, with alternative and innovative methods, which are able, through new experiences to involve and interest them and provide a basis for subsequent experiences
This route has thus fostered and promoted the learning of mathematics in a playful, operating while respecting the need for fantasy that characterizes children and young people this age, have put the same theoretical and systematic study of mathematical concepts.
Much work has been done with educational software that took the credit as well as to introduce the students on an amazing journey of numbers on the computer, and of presenting the arid acquisition of mathematical algorithms in a way that has met the attractive young people.
The work carried out by pupils of the posters were made during the course. They show the work done by the students been successful.

Casteltermini 12/30/2010

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Is Gold With Metal Core

Questions and answers of a CAD drawing

In questo post voglio condividere con tutti i lettori alcune domande che mi vengono poste dagli operatori AutoCAD. Premetto che le risposte si possono trovare nei concetti e negli esercizi spiegati nel mio libro Vol.1 AutoCAD 2010 Progettazione grafica 2D

Quanti tipi di layer devo creare nel disegno? C'è una regola o si va solo ad intuito ed esperienza?
Il numero dei Layer che si possono creare dipendono dal tipo di disegno e dalle tipologie dell'entità grafiche. Una buona regola è quella di creare un Layer per ogni categoria di oggetto, Per esempio se progettiamo un edificio creeremo minimo il layer Muri, Tramezzi, Infissi e via discorrendo. Se il disegno deve essere realizzato in 2D e 3D è buona norma usare i prefissi e suffissi nei layer, per esempio 2D Muri 1P, 3D Muri 1P, eccettera.

Quando conviene usare la polilinea? Sono portato ad usare sempre la linea e se devo convertirla in polilinea (in modo da avere un'unica entità) uso i comandi EDITPL e CONTORNO, faccio bene?
L'uso della polilinea è consigliabile quando si devono realizzare dei contorni chiusi, soprattutto per essere usati in ambito 3D, come profili, oppure quando un oggetto è costituito da tanti segmenti, ma devono far parte di una sola entità grafica. Inoltre diventa più semplice ottenere informazioni tecniche sull'oggetto, come per esempio l'area di un contorno.

Si stampa su Spazio Modello o Spazio Carta? So che in teoria bisogna usare lo Spazio Carta ma per piccoli lavori forse è piu agevole lo Spazio Modello
Lo spazio modello è utilizzato per disegnare in ambito 2D e 3D e si può anche stampare direttamente. Quando il disegno inizia a diventare complesso ed è necessaria la rappresentazione in diverse scale e viste dell'elaborazione grafica, allora diventa indispensabile utilizzare lo spazio Carta o Layout per l'impaginazione.

Quale unità si usa come unità di disegno? In genere nel mio campo uso sempre il metro come riferimento di unità di disegno, faccio bene?
In AutoCAD si disegna in scala real, this means that a unit of AutoCAD, we do that best correspond to the real is more convenient. For example, in architectural and cartographic associate the meter unit of AutoCAD, while in mechanical millimeter. We must remember that in AutoCAD there is no dialog in which to associate the unit of measurement unit of AutoCAD for design, but the CAD operator who decides the meaning of unity of AutoCAD. In the Print dialog box, we can relate the units to millimeters of AutoCAD printing.

layers when I have to call them before you start drawing, or to have them ready as they need me in the picture? Transferring entity at the right layer when I realize I have them placed in the wrong layer?
generally agreed to create a template file. DWT that already contains the layer, but not only, also text styles, dimension styles, layouts and more, so do not waste time in repetitive actions.

niziare Before drawing, defines the format of text and format just SHARE or always during the design when I realize that the present format I do not go well: type text height, type of temperament etc?
Again define styles before you start to draw is a good idea, although you can create when needed at work. Laying out design in the layout should also use the little considered Annotations.

LIMITS AutoCAD are always 420 x 297? Allow themselves to be modified or so? I do not ever use
I limits are useful if they are exploited to some aspects of AutoCAD, as if we have to draw within a specific area in model space, can be activated, and if we do a Zoom All , this will make the recital limits, we can print a drawing by setting limits as the print area.

What is the importance of dynamic blocks than the static blocks?
Dynamic blocks are useful if we use the blocks and we want to change dinamicamente senza intervinire con i comandi di modifica di AutoCAD. Sono presenti diversi paramentri e azioni che consentono di creare facilmente un blocco dinamico, come per esempio un blocco dinamico di allineamento che facilità il posizionamento del blocco rispetto ad un elemento grafico.

Qual è l'importanza degli stili di Stampa per Colore e per Oggetto
Gli stili di stampa sono stati introdotti con l'AutoCAD 2000 e sono stati una grande innovazione. E' possibile decidere se stampare con lo Stile di Stampa per Colore , cioè creando una tabella in cui ad ogni colore viene assegnata una proprietà, come spessore , colore , retinatura e altro which is to be in print, while for the Print Style to Subject you can create a table and inside the styles that contain the properties that the object must have in print. In this way we could have two objects of the same color, but associated with two different styles of printing the object, in print and get different properties.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Beveled Mirror Blocks

collection tasks on oral examination

E 'has been updated collection of examination tasks. E 'was added to the text and a solution of the appeal in September last year.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Xepisodes Not Working Ipod

PC in your pocket

A pendrive to the school of the future

If the school of the future will see less and less paper books and more and more multimedia content, then the project PcInTasca, made in Italy, is one of the many points of departure towards an innovative model of teaching. The initiative, which took life for almost four years in a school primary of the town of Arco in the province of Trento, has several hundred students and can be considered already an established reality available to those who want to experiment, even partially, the replacement of traditional objects, and even more cumbersome, as notebooks, diaries and cases in favor of digital tools.

The project, designed and built specifically for classroom use, is a collection of open source educational software and games directly from USB key usable. The suite of programs start when the portable device is connected to the PC and is presented in a way very similar to the Windows Start menu, with a list of all available applications and the folders containing your notes and where to store images, video and digital content.

materials to be studied are so many, from Italian to the natural sciences, through the music, geography, mathematics, and many others. In addition to deepening targeted direct applications of the various subject areas, the package also includes some basic programs , strictly open source for web browsing, graphics and instant messaging. Directly from the project site, also you can download a version of
PcInTasca including portable edition of the office suite OpenOffice , with specific programs for writing, spreadsheets and multimedia presentations.

To discover all the developments and PcInTasca to see the video introduction of the project you can visit the official website of the initiative

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monica Roccaforte Wikipedia

Connection path of files in DWG

In AutoCAD you can insert raster images and then link , PDF (version AutoCAD 2010), DWF, DGN files (Microstation) and the same reference DWG outside, called XREF, simply through the function Attach, Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Panel of Reference on the Insert tab highlighted with the Attach button

Very often I receive emails AutoCAD users report that when I open the DWG file and not finding the Annex and in its place a sign indicating the location where you find the attachment.

To avoid this, remember two things:

1) Create a folder to contain the dwg file and all its annexes, the latter also included in subfolders;

2) When you move or copy a file DWG Remember to also bring along all the attachments and not just the drawing file.

followed the previous tips, we can ignore, during insertion, the option on the Route Type: Full or on , Figure 2, in that when we open a DWG file contains attached files, AutoCAD will charge more if they exist within the same folder is located in the DWG file, even during the rescue, the attachments were in different folders and we chose the option full path.

Figure 2 - Dialog Connects image, showing the options for the type of path

More information about handling attachments Raster , PDF, DWF XREF and you can find it in the book Vol.1 AutoCAD 2010 2D Design .

How Do You Get Rid Of Curves


Here are some useful references ministerial Circular n.86 (2009/2010) The presentation sintetica dell’Istituto nazionale per la valutazione del sistema educativo di istruzione e di formazione e quadri di riferimento: il  questionario studente
Di seguito potete scaricare le prove INVALSI e i Progetti Pilota pubblicati e somministrati negli anni scorsi.
Prove Invalsi classe seconda
tests Invalsi fourth class
tests Invalsi fifth class
tests Invalsi the first class

What Is The Bmi Of An Average Size 12 Woman



Sunday, January 16, 2011

Brazilian Wax Memphis Tn

GC editions of the New Site

Today, 17/01/2011 , is the restyling of the new online site improntato esclusivamente sulla manualistica tecnica. Nella sua home page compariranno gli ultimi due post che scriverò su questo blog. Inoltre, c'è un'area denominata " Gratis per te " in cui sarà possibile scaricare gratuitamente degli ebook, come attualmente AutoCAD 2011 Le novità .

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Should Name My Webkinz Duck

Towards a School Friend

Our Institute has been recognition of the valuable "School Friend".

Amica The school is a school where the Convention on the Rights of Childhood and Adolescence is known in its content, but above all it is implemented and daily living, and so children will take the lead.
To take the path have been identified nine steps, which translate the rights of children and adolescents in the school situation.
To find out if the school is effectively working to implement the rights set forth in the Convention, are examined indicators.
The framework of indicators and administered at the beginning of the end of the initiative is used in order to describe the initial situation, noted the changes made and describe the final situation.
Here Project General Unicef \u200b\u200b

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How High Should A Mini Horse Hay Feeder Be

From the site: me tell you a tale
"Discovering reality into fantasy. An attempt to circumvent the logic of dualism, pessimism-realism dealing with the structure of the most tale various topics. The children's story can often convey a message for the storyteller, whether he who writes it or who narrates it. The tale offers this opportunity. I try to take it.
"I believe this: fairy tales are true, are, taken all together, in their ever more varied and repeated cases of human affairs, a general explanation of life, originated in ancient times and preserved in slow rumen of peasant consciousness to us, are the catalog of the fates that there may be a man and a woman. " (Italo Calvino).
The best definition of fairy tale I've ever found. "
A site where the story is king and fascinates us with its bygone days.

If you come to me to tell the story
dell'Augellin beautiful green, oh I became
crazy taste. Maybe the world is old,
but still fun and bamboleggia
the beautiful stories of the past.
(La Fontaine)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Brazilian Hard Erection

The Fairy Tale In the realm of digital natives

Farewell to the old know-linear based on the written word and the teacher-student transmission of knowledge: learning today takes the form of an Arab souk in rush hour. Among social networking, video stories on YouTube, MySpace music, the syncopated language of online chat and buffaloes, the new generation of students who need a compass to navigate. But the school is not there. Or rather, not do it: a 2.0 students from schools are often the last century.
Who are these infamous "digital natives", born and raised in the Internet revolution accomplished? As written by the former director of the Comparative Media Studies program at MIT in Boston, Henry Jenkins, la loro cultura è «partecipativa» e si fonda su «produzione e condivisione di creazioni digitali» e su una «partnership informale» tra insegnanti e alunni, che porta il bambino a sentirsi responsabile del progetto educativo. Il maestro non è più un trasmettitore di conoscenza ma un «facilitatore», che fa da filtro tra il caos della rete e il cervello del piccolo studente. «Frequentano gli schermi interattivi fin dalla nascita», spiega Paolo Ferri, docente di Tecnologie didattiche e teoria e tecnica dei nuovi media all'Università Bicocca di Milano, «e considerano internet il principale strumento di reperimento, condivisione e gestione dell'informazione». È la prima generazione (Which now has between 0 and 12 years) really hi-tech, he thinks, learns and knows differently from his older brothers. "If it meant for us to learn to read-study-again, for children raised on video games means first of all solve problems in an active way", says Ferri, who is studying for years and promotes the digital learning. " The children grew up with console and mobile phone are "used to see the resolution of cognitive tasks as a pragmatic problem," he adds.
dell'Estlow Director Lynn Clark International Center for Journalism and New Media at the University of Denver (USA) conducted a research project on 300 American families to understand how they're doing with digital media. «Grazie ai videogiochi, il sapere dei bambini si nutre di simboli, sfide e modelli sempre diversi di narrazione», spiega Clark che aggiunge: «quando le modalità di apprendimento scolastico sono simili a quelle di un gioco ci sono maggiori chance che gli alunni apprendano volentieri e in fretta». «Se qualcosa può essere visto, ascoltato, suonato, perché dovrebbe essere raccontato a parole?», si chiede Paolo Ferri.

Nishant Shah, che a 26 anni dirige il Center for Internet and Society di Bangalore in India, lo spiega così via Skype: «La tecnologia dei nostri padri è quella televisiva: un modello analogico che stabilisce roles, responsibilities and structure of production, distribution and consumption of knowledge. With the explosion of p2p - the idea of \u200b\u200ba network where no hierarchy exists and everything is shared - the roles are challenged by the student, who considers himself an active part in the production of knowledge and sees the books as one source among many '. While the phrase "said the Internet" has become the authority among the children of a ruling by the Supreme Court, it is undeniable that the Net is the home of real-like. "The Internet is redefining the boundaries of truth - Shah continues - and this poses great challenges for educators of the twenty-first century: how do you learn by using sources that do not have approval institutional? How can you recognize a good provider of knowledge to the chaos online?. The professor of Bicocca admits that "cut-and-paste culture and the presumption of correctness of the network 'tend to lower the critical perception of the users' Internet becomes for the children," the source ", regardless of the authoritativeness of the site and the writer, "he says. If it passes the Wikipedia model, breaks down the importance of the author. Or, as written by the anthropologist Susan D. Blum in the New York Times: "if the student is not essential to be unique, it's okay to use other words. He says things that do not you think? Alright then write texts on subjects unfamiliar with the sole purpose of making a good grade: knowledge has become a means of obtaining consents and sociability. "
For the moment, the most interesting digital learning about the older brothers. From next year in 2,500 American university campus will come a software for PCs, mobile phones and iPad (the cost ranges from 30 to 70 dollars and the largest producer is the Turning Technologies) called "clickers," which allows the teacher to verify the level of Student attention - immersed in the Internet access - asking for feedback on the keyboard every 15 minutes. Harvard professor Charles Nesson has taught a course on Second Life virtual, while the project of civic education "YouMedia," sponsored by Chicago, promotes learning through video-tell book publishing. High School in Woodside, California, students have scholarships to buy the iPad, a multimedia center for three million dollars and lessons on how to record music and use the Internet responsibly. Thanks to cheap computers in the computer guru Nicholas Negroponte, all Uruguayan children have a primary PC.
In Europe - which has the digital competence in fourth place (after the first language, foreign language and mathematics and science) between key competencies for the education of EU member states - the country more "digital native oriented" is the 'England, where the Education Reform wanted by the Blair government has drastically reduced the number of students per class, thus customizing teaching, and cut the number of subjects. "It's been - said Paolo Ferri - from a model specification based on the contents to the same competence that is based on a principle: learning to learn." Ferri points out that the interactive whiteboard is present in 100% of primary and secondary English classes while in Italy you get one point out of ten by 2011. Here the road is still uphill.
The Ministry of Education carries out the project Lim, who is the introduction of interactive whiteboards in the classrooms, and the Cl @ ssi 2.0 which aims to fund with € 30 thousand 156 classes (in Italy there are about 25 thousand schools) of the middle schools for the development of innovative projects. "There is a great lack of investment from above - says Ferri - stemmed from some managers of good will." For the professor of Bicocca is a regional basis, with school autonomy and managerial skills and creative than any president, you see the best experiments. A Bollate, a town of 37,000 inhabitants on the outskirts of Milan, to learn how to use iPad just ask for help from a child. In the classrooms of the Institute of Via Brianza - two elementary and two junior high schools - instead of notebooks and pencils from September students use the tablet computer prodotto dalla Apple. Qualche centinaia di chilometri più a sud, a Reggio Emilia – la città dove tutti vorrebbero avere tre anni per quel «Reggio Approach», lodato dal «New York Times» (parole d'ordine: arte, assemblee di classe e respiro globale), che ha fatto guadagnare al capoluogo emiliano il titolo di capitale mondiale degli asili nido – software, dispositivi elettronici e lavagne interattive hanno ormai sostituito seggioloni e orsacchiotti. Bollate e Reggio non sono residui di una bizzarra avanguardia pedagogica, il cui simbolo cinematografico è ancora Bianca di Nanni Moretti, con le vicende della scuola «Marilyn Monroe» dove al posto della foto del presidente della Repubblica c'è Dino Zoff e i teachers play the slot machines and pinball. Rather demonstrate that there are, even in Italy, principals and teachers who understand who they are and how to teach the digital natives.
"But the result is a map of innovation patchy," says Ferri, who is optimistic, however. On the one hand because "in 2013 will retire half of the Italian teachers' on the other because he believes in the positive contagion," In ten years, the schools keep pace with social change and technological change, and funding awarded for this high number enrollment, have forced the others to adapt. " A hope? No, a duty. Because "innovate innovate innovate" Hal Varian of the famous mantra of Google News, is the only chance of survival for the Italian school.
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Source: Il Sole 24 Ore

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ap Bio Lab 1 Diffusion And Osmosis Answers

How does a ' eclipse

Happy Epiphany!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Original Water Baby Dolls

The sky seen by children

From 07.12.2010 to 14.04.2011
Look at the sky and draw the emotions you feel, he was asked. They responded in mass more than 500 tables, made with different techniques, full of asteroids, planets, spaceships and sometimes stellate. It was the fourth edition of the competition " Look at the sky and draw your emotions ', organized INAF-Catania Astrophysical Observatory (OACT). This year, the invitation is renewed, and is open to all children who attend primary school.
Students can submit designs that have focussed on any subject of astronomical character of their choice: the Sun, the solar system, Earth, stars, galaxies, the universe, space exploration, or whatever. We will accept works created using any kind of technique (pastels, watercolors, pencil, etc..) When presented on sheets of A4 size maximum. Each student may submit only one drawn. Group work will be accepted up to a maximum of three students.
Entries received will be reviewed by a panel of pre-selection, which will admit only those containing the later stages as a main theme of astronomical subjects. The papers accepted will be published on the website dell'OACT . A panel of experts appointed by the Head dell'OACT choose no less than five deemed most elaborate, and / or well-made that will receive their awards at a ceremony to be held in May 2011. Entries can be inserted into a CD-ROM produced in collaboration with associations for medical research and / or protection of children, and possibly a timetable for the year 2012, also for charity.
Entries must be received by April 14, 2011 (will the postmark) to: INAF - Catania Astrophysical Observatory - Competition "Look at the sky and draw your emotions" - Via S. Sofia, 78-95123 - Catania. Together all’elaborato occorrerà inviare, pena l’esclusione dal concorso, una scheda informativa dello studente firmata da un genitore. In caso di elaborati realizzati da più studenti occorrerà inviare una scheda per ciascuno di essi. I dati personali non saranno resi pubblici; sul sito web della manifestazione e sul CD-ROM apparirà solo il nome (non il cognome) e l’età dell’autore.
Si incoraggiano gli insegnanti a svolgere funzioni di tutor di uno o più studenti, svolgendo opera di collegamento tra la scuola e l’OACT durante tutte le fasi del concorso. Al fine di agevolare l’inserimento dell’elaborato in the contest web page is optional also send a scanned version in jpg format (maximum size 3MB) to the e-mail: .
For more information: 095-7332312 -
source: INAF
Segnalo also the site of 'Tavolaia Astronomical Observatory, Santa Maria Monte, for the interesting initiatives.