Sunday, January 9, 2011

Brazilian Hard Erection

The Fairy Tale In the realm of digital natives

Farewell to the old know-linear based on the written word and the teacher-student transmission of knowledge: learning today takes the form of an Arab souk in rush hour. Among social networking, video stories on YouTube, MySpace music, the syncopated language of online chat and buffaloes, the new generation of students who need a compass to navigate. But the school is not there. Or rather, not do it: a 2.0 students from schools are often the last century.
Who are these infamous "digital natives", born and raised in the Internet revolution accomplished? As written by the former director of the Comparative Media Studies program at MIT in Boston, Henry Jenkins, la loro cultura è «partecipativa» e si fonda su «produzione e condivisione di creazioni digitali» e su una «partnership informale» tra insegnanti e alunni, che porta il bambino a sentirsi responsabile del progetto educativo. Il maestro non è più un trasmettitore di conoscenza ma un «facilitatore», che fa da filtro tra il caos della rete e il cervello del piccolo studente. «Frequentano gli schermi interattivi fin dalla nascita», spiega Paolo Ferri, docente di Tecnologie didattiche e teoria e tecnica dei nuovi media all'Università Bicocca di Milano, «e considerano internet il principale strumento di reperimento, condivisione e gestione dell'informazione». È la prima generazione (Which now has between 0 and 12 years) really hi-tech, he thinks, learns and knows differently from his older brothers. "If it meant for us to learn to read-study-again, for children raised on video games means first of all solve problems in an active way", says Ferri, who is studying for years and promotes the digital learning. " The children grew up with console and mobile phone are "used to see the resolution of cognitive tasks as a pragmatic problem," he adds.
dell'Estlow Director Lynn Clark International Center for Journalism and New Media at the University of Denver (USA) conducted a research project on 300 American families to understand how they're doing with digital media. «Grazie ai videogiochi, il sapere dei bambini si nutre di simboli, sfide e modelli sempre diversi di narrazione», spiega Clark che aggiunge: «quando le modalità di apprendimento scolastico sono simili a quelle di un gioco ci sono maggiori chance che gli alunni apprendano volentieri e in fretta». «Se qualcosa può essere visto, ascoltato, suonato, perché dovrebbe essere raccontato a parole?», si chiede Paolo Ferri.

Nishant Shah, che a 26 anni dirige il Center for Internet and Society di Bangalore in India, lo spiega così via Skype: «La tecnologia dei nostri padri è quella televisiva: un modello analogico che stabilisce roles, responsibilities and structure of production, distribution and consumption of knowledge. With the explosion of p2p - the idea of \u200b\u200ba network where no hierarchy exists and everything is shared - the roles are challenged by the student, who considers himself an active part in the production of knowledge and sees the books as one source among many '. While the phrase "said the Internet" has become the authority among the children of a ruling by the Supreme Court, it is undeniable that the Net is the home of real-like. "The Internet is redefining the boundaries of truth - Shah continues - and this poses great challenges for educators of the twenty-first century: how do you learn by using sources that do not have approval institutional? How can you recognize a good provider of knowledge to the chaos online?. The professor of Bicocca admits that "cut-and-paste culture and the presumption of correctness of the network 'tend to lower the critical perception of the users' Internet becomes for the children," the source ", regardless of the authoritativeness of the site and the writer, "he says. If it passes the Wikipedia model, breaks down the importance of the author. Or, as written by the anthropologist Susan D. Blum in the New York Times: "if the student is not essential to be unique, it's okay to use other words. He says things that do not you think? Alright then write texts on subjects unfamiliar with the sole purpose of making a good grade: knowledge has become a means of obtaining consents and sociability. "
For the moment, the most interesting digital learning about the older brothers. From next year in 2,500 American university campus will come a software for PCs, mobile phones and iPad (the cost ranges from 30 to 70 dollars and the largest producer is the Turning Technologies) called "clickers," which allows the teacher to verify the level of Student attention - immersed in the Internet access - asking for feedback on the keyboard every 15 minutes. Harvard professor Charles Nesson has taught a course on Second Life virtual, while the project of civic education "YouMedia," sponsored by Chicago, promotes learning through video-tell book publishing. High School in Woodside, California, students have scholarships to buy the iPad, a multimedia center for three million dollars and lessons on how to record music and use the Internet responsibly. Thanks to cheap computers in the computer guru Nicholas Negroponte, all Uruguayan children have a primary PC.
In Europe - which has the digital competence in fourth place (after the first language, foreign language and mathematics and science) between key competencies for the education of EU member states - the country more "digital native oriented" is the 'England, where the Education Reform wanted by the Blair government has drastically reduced the number of students per class, thus customizing teaching, and cut the number of subjects. "It's been - said Paolo Ferri - from a model specification based on the contents to the same competence that is based on a principle: learning to learn." Ferri points out that the interactive whiteboard is present in 100% of primary and secondary English classes while in Italy you get one point out of ten by 2011. Here the road is still uphill.
The Ministry of Education carries out the project Lim, who is the introduction of interactive whiteboards in the classrooms, and the Cl @ ssi 2.0 which aims to fund with € 30 thousand 156 classes (in Italy there are about 25 thousand schools) of the middle schools for the development of innovative projects. "There is a great lack of investment from above - says Ferri - stemmed from some managers of good will." For the professor of Bicocca is a regional basis, with school autonomy and managerial skills and creative than any president, you see the best experiments. A Bollate, a town of 37,000 inhabitants on the outskirts of Milan, to learn how to use iPad just ask for help from a child. In the classrooms of the Institute of Via Brianza - two elementary and two junior high schools - instead of notebooks and pencils from September students use the tablet computer prodotto dalla Apple. Qualche centinaia di chilometri più a sud, a Reggio Emilia – la città dove tutti vorrebbero avere tre anni per quel «Reggio Approach», lodato dal «New York Times» (parole d'ordine: arte, assemblee di classe e respiro globale), che ha fatto guadagnare al capoluogo emiliano il titolo di capitale mondiale degli asili nido – software, dispositivi elettronici e lavagne interattive hanno ormai sostituito seggioloni e orsacchiotti. Bollate e Reggio non sono residui di una bizzarra avanguardia pedagogica, il cui simbolo cinematografico è ancora Bianca di Nanni Moretti, con le vicende della scuola «Marilyn Monroe» dove al posto della foto del presidente della Repubblica c'è Dino Zoff e i teachers play the slot machines and pinball. Rather demonstrate that there are, even in Italy, principals and teachers who understand who they are and how to teach the digital natives.
"But the result is a map of innovation patchy," says Ferri, who is optimistic, however. On the one hand because "in 2013 will retire half of the Italian teachers' on the other because he believes in the positive contagion," In ten years, the schools keep pace with social change and technological change, and funding awarded for this high number enrollment, have forced the others to adapt. " A hope? No, a duty. Because "innovate innovate innovate" Hal Varian of the famous mantra of Google News, is the only chance of survival for the Italian school.
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Source: Il Sole 24 Ore


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