Monday, January 3, 2011

Original Water Baby Dolls

The sky seen by children

From 07.12.2010 to 14.04.2011
Look at the sky and draw the emotions you feel, he was asked. They responded in mass more than 500 tables, made with different techniques, full of asteroids, planets, spaceships and sometimes stellate. It was the fourth edition of the competition " Look at the sky and draw your emotions ', organized INAF-Catania Astrophysical Observatory (OACT). This year, the invitation is renewed, and is open to all children who attend primary school.
Students can submit designs that have focussed on any subject of astronomical character of their choice: the Sun, the solar system, Earth, stars, galaxies, the universe, space exploration, or whatever. We will accept works created using any kind of technique (pastels, watercolors, pencil, etc..) When presented on sheets of A4 size maximum. Each student may submit only one drawn. Group work will be accepted up to a maximum of three students.
Entries received will be reviewed by a panel of pre-selection, which will admit only those containing the later stages as a main theme of astronomical subjects. The papers accepted will be published on the website dell'OACT . A panel of experts appointed by the Head dell'OACT choose no less than five deemed most elaborate, and / or well-made that will receive their awards at a ceremony to be held in May 2011. Entries can be inserted into a CD-ROM produced in collaboration with associations for medical research and / or protection of children, and possibly a timetable for the year 2012, also for charity.
Entries must be received by April 14, 2011 (will the postmark) to: INAF - Catania Astrophysical Observatory - Competition "Look at the sky and draw your emotions" - Via S. Sofia, 78-95123 - Catania. Together all’elaborato occorrerà inviare, pena l’esclusione dal concorso, una scheda informativa dello studente firmata da un genitore. In caso di elaborati realizzati da più studenti occorrerà inviare una scheda per ciascuno di essi. I dati personali non saranno resi pubblici; sul sito web della manifestazione e sul CD-ROM apparirà solo il nome (non il cognome) e l’età dell’autore.
Si incoraggiano gli insegnanti a svolgere funzioni di tutor di uno o più studenti, svolgendo opera di collegamento tra la scuola e l’OACT durante tutte le fasi del concorso. Al fine di agevolare l’inserimento dell’elaborato in the contest web page is optional also send a scanned version in jpg format (maximum size 3MB) to the e-mail: .
For more information: 095-7332312 -
source: INAF
Segnalo also the site of 'Tavolaia Astronomical Observatory, Santa Maria Monte, for the interesting initiatives.


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