Friday, December 31, 2010

Online Pokemon Games You Can Play At Age 9

Happy New Year in All Languages \u200b\u200bof the World (Happy New Year in Different Lang ..

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mod Wedding Dance Mount Blade

I must point out this new resource, the fruit of the creative genius of prof. Joseph Bettati:
talking book, a unique software consists of two elements: TALKING BOOKS MANUFACTURER AND TALKING BOOKS PROJECTOR

With TALKING BOOKS students with SLD (specific learning disabilities), will create multimedia presentations and read a great effect effortlessly in either manufacturer is in presentation mode, by reading Merlin or heading system.
fact, text boxes inserted in talking books are automatically given the chance to read through speech .
In modalità costruzione è quindi possibile controllare quanto è stato scritto e correggerlo!  
Ma questo è solo uno dei tanti pregi del pacchetto software, che vi invito a provare, scaricandolo da questa pagina

Ecco altre splendide opportunità offerte dal programma:
- Le presentazioni costruite con Libri Parlanti possono essere importate come file introduttivi within verificheMachine , already reported on this very blog and downloaded from the author's website
with talking books, in one package.
presentations created with talking books will therefore be part of a test specification given with checks , , thereby benefiting the students with reading difficulties - the reader through automated voice-even during the study or review .
-All 'domestic manufacturer of talking books, there are many resources, specially crafted:
a library of flash movies
a library of special shapes
editor polygons
a very versatile editor of arrows and a connector, useful for making maps
system uses masks to decorative corner
interactive, editable and duplicated freely
a calculator
Also, talking books you can ...
Create hyperlinks between pages and / or use of a linear navigation
Import content from your hard disk: images (jpg, bmp, gif, png), audio (mp3) video (avi, mpeg, wmv, flv), filmati flash (swf).
Posizionare, ruotare e ridimensionare a piacere tutti i contenuti inseriti.
Munire le caselle di testo di un bordo e di un colore di sfondo e, all’occorrenza, di una barra di scorrimento, utile per testi molto lunghi, che non troverebbero posto in un’unica diapositiva.
Formattare i testi (colore, dimensione, grassetto, corsivo, allineamento …  )
Personalizzare gli sfondi con immagini e sfumature di colore
........ ed altro ancora 
.... Si può anche usare LIBRI PARLANTI COSTRUTTORE As a "book"!
Here teachers can find ideas operating : Download

Friday, December 24, 2010

Anatomy Of A Prayer Shawl

Good Talking Books Christmas to all!

How To Get Phlegm Out Of A Baby

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Faccio gli auguri di Buon Natale e Buon Anno a tutti coloro che mi hanno scritto e seguito. Nel 2010 ho risposto a più di 2600 email, un bell'impegno ma sono contento di aver contribuito a risolvere tante piccole problematiche.

Nel 2011 ci saranno delle novità ma per ora non anticipo nulla.

Buone feste da Gabriele Congiu

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wheat Sheaves For A Wedding


Contrary to a fairly widespread opinion, the snow does not form simply when the temperature drops below freezing, the formation of snow is actually a phenomenon more complex and surprising.
Water is an element that has this important property: it has the power to maintain its temperature longer than the material that surrounds . This ability is unaffected even when the comparison is made between the droplets of steam into the air and airborne dust (ie ' aerosol).
It so happens that at high altitudes, in temperatures several degrees below zero, while the droplets of water continue to remain in the vapor state, the dust becomes airborne cold.

When a droplet steam comes into contact with the speck of dust or a cold glass of ice, cool istanteneamente sublimating : being born a "crystal" of snow.
Around "core aggregation (powder or crystal ice cold) water freezes according to the key characteristic of the ice crystals (hexagonal): that is why the" crystals "of snow, while varying in shape, always keep a star schema with six arms.

coming into contact with other crystals of ice, "crystal" of snow becomes increasingly large, endless repetition of the initial design.
In colder areas of the planet falls into the snow crystals separated, while in warmer and humid crystals tend to join each other giving rise to "snowflakes" .

A snowflake made up of thousands of crystals, can be increased to 15 mm in diameter varying in shape according to the manner in which it falls: there are so perfectly hexagonal snowflakes (if they fall vertically with a rocking motion), or bows to "foot" to "flat" to "column", etc..

A property of snow, is well known to skiers that, precisely because of the characteristic shape of the crystals (hexagonal), it holds a large amount of air. For example, a cubic meter of "powder snow" (the best one for skiing!) Can weigh less than 200 kilograms (1,000 Kilograms and would weigh if it were a single cubic meter of water!).

(Informations All of these have been taken and adapted from "MisericordiaOnLine", run by the Brotherhood of Mercy of Andria)

Source: Physics easy

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lonesome Dove Trilogy

Janus Family

immagine generica

born a free online service to secure the family computer

study together with their children using a computer, a blog or e-mail . More and more parents who want to overcome the generation gap with their children, engaging with new technologies. But when a father or mother approaches the Internet has the same question: how can I make browsing the Web safe for my family?
Per rassicurare i genitori a confronto con la Rete, nasce Giano Family , un servizio di assistenza gratuita realizzato dall'Assessorato ai Sistemi Informativi della Provincia di Padova, del Centro Servizi Volontariato provinciale di Padova e di NEST2 SpA, per proteggere la famiglia dai rischi legati a Internet.

In cosa consiste il supporto? Collegandosi al sito, i genitori troveranno a loro disposizione degli esperti che daranno consigli su come impostare e utilizzare il PC di casa in maniera sicura e corretta . Nel portale, poi, sono indicati dei software gratuiti disponibili per salvaguardare il computer da virus, spyware, spam, navigazioni in siti non adatti ai minori.
Giano family è a preventive security service, incorrect, so you must connect to the site and eventually establish a connection to the remote assistance , only if you are not already infected with viruses or other malware. Operators of Janus Family, available Monday to Friday from 9 to 18, can be contacted via the Web through a service request by clicking on free access to the service! . The other channels available for contact with the staff of experts are the telephone and e-mail.

Read more and access the service , go to the site
Janus Family

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Equalizer T Shirt Philippines

educazione ambientale sulla raccolta ed il riciclo dei rifiuti

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Soul Silver Cheats R4ds

Environmental Education The educational response to bullying among pupils

Interventi sul bullismo in classe
di Simona Caravita
fonte: INDIRE

La Corte di Cassazione ha indicato di custodire in carcere e non in comunità gli adolescenti autori di gravi e reiterati episodi di prevaricazione e teppismo. Se di fronte a eventi di particolare gravità e a comportamenti prepotenti che si configurano come apertamente delinquenziali recourse to the courts and stricter enforcement measures are necessary, it is true that the phenomenon of bullying in schools primarily requires the implementation of educational responses by the school context that is the stage.

Moving in this direction, the national scientific research (Fonzi, 1997, 1999; Menesini, 2000, 2003 etc..) And international (Olweus, 1993; Sharp and Smith, 1995, etc.) has developed and experimented with various methods and intervention programs with the intent to prevent and combat the spread of bullying among pupils of primary and secondary and second level.

Choosing flexible adaptation to the school situation of the proposed action you want to apply, however, may be made only after extensive number of dimensions that characterize the problem of bullying.
In this respect the literature (Olweus, 1993; Fonzi, 1997; Menesini, 2003; Caravita, 2004; Gini, 2005 etc..) Agrees to identify intentions and harassment, bullying and the recurrence of nell'asimmetria internal power to bully-victim report the most significant aspects of this phenomenon and which distinguish it from aggressive behavior generally implemented by individual children or teens. In particular, the recurrence of bullying and the imbalance in power between the bully and his target are factors which clearly emphasize the relational nature of bullying: Bullying is a problem that affects the abusive relationship between a student and a student pushed beyond their limits in relation the roles of bully and victim tend to crystallize over time and comes to involve all students in the class, albeit with different roles of bully, assistant of bully, a supporter of the bully, defender of the victim, the victim and external (Salmivalli et al ., 1996).

This specificity of bullying as a problem that affects the relational systems of the classroom and the school has not been neglected by the experts who prepared the intervention techniques generally require not focus exclusively on young people who suffer from the arrogance and the boys but problematic to address the whole class group and the whole of the school context.

methodologies and intervention programs
In this perspective, particularly effective results are the ecological and systemic approaches to the problem, as the program structured by Olweus (1993) and that established da Sharp e Smith (1995), che richiedono attività a diverso livello (di scuola, di classe e sui singoli individui) e che coinvolgono l’intero sistema scolastico (dirigenza, docenti, personale non-docente, alunni, famiglie e agenzie correlate alla scuola) con l’intento di attivare un cambiamento del clima, delle norme e dei valori propri dell’istituzione educativa e un mutamento nei soggetti a rischio.

Uno strumento particolarmente utile per tali finalità, e previsto dai programmi di intervento strutturato, è la predisposizione di una politica di prevenzione e contrasto del bullismo, ossia una dichiarazione di intenti che diriga l’azione internal organization of the school, divided into a series of objectives agreed by the various components of the school and prepared a document that officially. Such a procedure tends to create a community in the establishment of principles of action which render consistent over time and between individuals, individual educational interventions designed to combat bullying.
The various programs, then, differ in the types of activities offered at the three levels of school, class and individual, but this unified approach aimed at giving the task of educating the school is successful.

A different approach is taken from the proposals focused on the support of friends like the model of intervention friend (Menesini, 2003), which still require to engage in action to prevent and combat bullying of all pupils in the class. If the Operator's friend, for example, all students of the rotating part in a training aimed to enhance their natural ability to support others so that then exert their efforts to support the comrades in difficulties in everyday life school.
less structured mode of action, also effectively take advantage of the opportunities that education. Watching movies, reading and discussion with the class of literature addressing the issue of bullying and relationships between friends, role-playing and creative writing are teaching tools that can be used to sensitize students to the problem and increase their sensitivity to the victims, as long as employees in a structured way to think about bullying and the need to combat it.

If there are students in the class bullies
Despite the variety of individual modes of operation quickly outlined in this brief overview, the literature come some general guidelines for setting up of educational classroom when incidents of abuse occur among peers.

The first effective answer lies in the coherence and consistency of operations of adult education. Teachers must coordinate with each other and hopefully to intervene with families with the same firmness in the face of large and small bullying, punishing such conduct, but without labeling the perpetrators as "bullies", so as to avoid to adjust to this role. On the positive side also the behaviors of support and help between students should be encouraged and explicitly approved, especially if entered into by young people who have proven bullying in the past.
The complex nature of relational bullying, most recently, as mentioned requires the intervention does not focus only on children at risk of becoming bullies or victims but to turn to the group within which arise, spread, and find support harassment between peers. Specifically, students who seek to neutral not to get involved in the dynamics of bullying must be impelled to intervene in defense and protection of victims, while his companions who support the abuse with their tacit approval must be made aware of the physical and psychological suffering of those who is the subject of bullying. Only active engagement all teachers and all students can be prevented and combated bullying.

CARAVITA S. (2004), overpowering the pupil. Know and bullying in schools, London: The school.
A. Fonzi (1997), Bullying in Italy. The phenomenon of bullying at school, from Piedmont to Sicily. Research and intervention perspectives, Florence: Giunti.
A. Fonzi (1999), The cruel game. Studies and research on the psychological correlates of bullying, Firenze: Giunti.
GINI G. (2005), Il bullismo. Le regole della prepotenza tra caratteristiche individuali e potere nel gruppo, Roma: Edizioni Carlo Amore.
MENESINI E. (2000), Bullismo che fare?Prevenzione e strategie d’intervento nella scuola, Firenze: Giunti.
MENESINI E. (2003), Bullismo: Le azioni efficaci della scuola. Percorsi italiani alla prevenzione e all’intervento, Trento: Erickson.
OLWEUS D. (1979), Stability of Aggressive Reaction Patterns in Males: A Review, in “Psychological Bullettin”, 86, 4, 852-875.
OLWEUS D.(1993), Bullismo a scuola, Firenze: Giunti, 1996.
SALMIVALLI C., LAGERSPETZ K.M.J., BJORKQVIST K. (1996), “Bullying as a group process: Participant Roles and Their Relations to Social Status Within the Group”, in Aggressive Behavior, 22, 1-15.
SHARP S., SMITH P.K. (1995), Bulli e prepotenti nella scuola. Prevenzione e tecniche educative, Trento: Erickson.
Simona Caravita è ricercatrice dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore presso il Centro di Ricerca delle Tecnologie dell’Istruzione.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Homemade Spinning Motor

AutoCAD 2011 for Windows or Mac?

After the official birth of AutoCAD 2011 for Mac, in October of this year, the most common question was: is productive switch to AutoCAD 2011 for Mac? From my experience and evaluation, I can say two things:

1) If you need to work professionally in a productive manner, quickly and with all the features available in AutoCAD 2011, no doubt, it is best to use still AutoCAD 2011 for Windows , the ideal 64-bit Windows 7, with a minimum of 8GB of RAM and an Nvidia Quadro video card;

2) AutoCAD 2011 for Mac has more limitations of 60, compared to the version for Windows and AutoCAD 2011 now is not the right time to switch to the new platform, if not to start taking a little 'confidence with the new graphical interface, buy a Mac just to get familiar with the graphical interface is a bit 'too much, because the costs are not too accessible. The following list only a few limitations, but you can read the entire HERE from the U.S. site of Autodesk, such as:
  • Quick Properties Palette;

  • Print to File;

  • Dynamic Blocks;

  • DGN File, DWF and FBX;

  • PDF as a background;

  • Quick Selection and filters;

  • Applications and Visual Basic Lisp;

  • Express Tools;

  • point clouds ;

  • Sheet Sets;

  • 3D navigation tools;

  • Design Center;
In conclusion, if you already have a Mac you can start to install it by downloading the demo version from site, but buying a Mac just to use AutoCAD, is not yet a choice to make.

Monday, November 29, 2010

I Would Like To Audition For Eastenders In 2010

Some sample pages of the book 2010 & AutoCAD 2011 3D Design, Modeling and rendering free

Some sample pages (in print is in shades of gray, but all the renderings displayed are also attached as a JPG file on the DVD) that can be downloaded the site of the GC editions

After a series of emails asking me the opportunity to view some pages of the book 2010 & AutoCAD 2011 3D design, modeling and rendering free here are in pdf ... satisfied! You can view information about the book and download the sample pages Cliccando QUI

Friday, November 26, 2010

Combinations Calculator

the telescope
HELLO, it should be noted that this year 's Comprehensive School Casteltermini has been given' AUTHORIZATION TO IMPLEMENT THE PLAN INTEGRATED (Code C1-ESF 2010-1258 ESF and D1-2010-474-annuity 2010/2011) NOTE TO PROT. AOODGAI No. 10061 of 30/07/2010.


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Monday, November 22, 2010

Kate Playground Unofficial

Books Gabriele Congiu on Facebook

Ho creato ieri finalmente una pagina su Facebook dedicata solo ai libri della GC edizioni. In questo modo chi avrà una pagina su Facebook potrà seguire le novità editoriali, naturalmente oltre il blog. Cercate Casa Editrice GC edizioni su Facebook.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Repair Single Handle Bathroom Faucet -tub

GC editions Fair Più libri Più Liberi

Dal 4 all'8 Dicembre la GC edizioni sarà presente alla fiera Più libri Più liberi di Roma con le sue ultime due pubblicazioni relative ad AutoCAD: Vol.1 AutoCAD 2010 Progettazione grafica 2D e Vol.2 AutoCAD 2010&2011 disegno 3D, Modellazione libnera Rendering and .

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Uk Driving Licence 2009 Template

Rimuovere i Gruppi in AutoCAD

AutoCAD is a function called GROUP used to group a set of objects to be managed as a selection. In my book Vol.1 AutoCAD 2010 2D graphic design on page 124 and 125 can read the meaning of Groups , do an exercise and see a movie.
The main objective of this post is to explain how to solve a problem related to the presence of groups in a drawing and delete them without affecting the graphic entities. Sometimes you open a DWG file that contains hundreds of objects in groups. Using the command GROUP we remove the group from objects, one at a time. If these groups are hundreds, the system will be used is to load a Lisp function ( CLICK HERE to download rimgrup.lsp ) providing in a single step to eliminate the groups without damaging the graphic entities. You could also use the command EXPLODE, but in this case in addition to eliminating groups explode all graphical entities contained in the group.
In the following video you can see the usefulness of the function lisp rimgrup.lsp for the disposal of groups applied to a map that contains more than 1000 groups, where each group consists of a number of cadastral maps and the contour lot.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bmx - Bike Painting Application..

Europe Day Rank

State Comprehensive School

"GA De Cosmo"

Piazza Mazzini, Tel 0922.916471 Fax 0922.916062

District No. 008 - CF 80007730841

Casteltermini 92025 - Ag

@-mail: web site:


Ob. C1-PON-FSE-2009-4882
ANNUALITÀ 2009/2010
Ob. A-1-FESR-2008-527 - B-1.A-FESR-2008-389 –
B-1.B-FESR-2008-503 - B-1.C-FESR-2008-492 –
A-1-FESR-2008-560 - B-1.B-FESR-2008-531
ANNUALITÀ 2008/2009

Casteltermini, 07/06/2010
Secondo quanto previsto dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università and Research, Department of Planning, Directorate General for International Affairs - Planning and management of European Structural Funds and national development and social cohesion, on May 9 in all European Union countries is celebrated every year, Europe Day, which falls under this initiative, the directives of the Council Regulation No 1828/2006 of the European Commission, the Ministerial Circular No 2046 of 02.04.2009 and Circular No Regional 3013 of 09/04/2009, all educational institutions on project funded by the European Structural Funds, have agreed to organize the day nine or any other day of the month of May, an event intended to provide the institutions, parents, students and citizens of the area information on the implementation of interventions and opportunities that come true thanks to the resources of the European Union.
This educational institution has made this event on 29 May last, on the premises of the cinema theater "Enzo Di Pisa, from 16.30 to 18.30, in the presence of the authorities, police, representatives educational institutions, trade union representatives, families of the participants, to illustrate, through reports, papers, exhibitions and more, that has been realized within each of the modules in the Integrated Plan of the Institute riguardo ai Progetti PON-FSE-2007 IT 05 1 PO 007 “Competenze per lo Sviluppo” e quanto verrà realizzato nell'ambito dei Progetti PON-FESR-2007 IT 17 1 PO 004 “Ambienti per l’apprendimento” sopraelencati, già autorizzati a questa Istituzione e in fase di realizzazione.
Il programma della manifestazione ha visto, dopo una breve presentazione dei PON da parte della Dirigente Scolastica, dott.ssa Pina Butera, l’intervento del Presidente del Consiglio Comunale, dott. Giuseppe Amoroso, il quale ha espresso tutto il suo apprezzamento per quanto la Scuola riesce a realizzare grazie ai finanziamenti dell’Unione Europea, attraverso i quali è possibile conseguire un innalzamento dell’offerta formativa and quality of services and facilities made available to more and more demanding of users, who wants to put on a par with levels recorded in the rest of Europe.
are then briefly attended the facilitator, ins. Concetta De Marco, the evaluator, prof. Maratta Alphonsa, who, after still stressed the enormous opportunities offered by the ESF and ERDF co-financing and the Ministry of Education, University and Research, have shown in a few words what has been achieved under the ESF and ERDF previous years, highlighting the huge fallout of the same skills and the maturity of the students who benefited of training activities with the resources that Europe has made available to the school.
At this point all the modules already completed and those yet to be achieved were presented to the audience by their experts and tutors.
1. For the "Learning by doing", the Expert, Valeria Nicastro and Tutor, Molinari Maria Antonella (primary), presented a brochure and an interesting DVD, produced with the kids of the fifth class of primary school, where students describe the first in English and then in Italian monuments, traditions, festivals, the culture of our country.
2. Immediately after the module "typing, typing 3," the Expert James Alexander and the Tutor, Varsalona Nunziata (secondary) presented a video, produced by the children who attended the course, on the Feast of Tatara.
3. For the "Retracing the past to understand the present," the expert, David Gaetano Severino and Tutor, Sammartino Sebastian (secondary) reported, through an interesting video, as realized within the activities of the course and in particular the rediscovery of the Sicilian tradition of children's games such as "cucuzzaro", the "SIPA", the game of "tweaks" and others.
4. Then it was the turn of the form "The state is us," for which the Expert, Alessandra Ciccone and Tutor, Farruggia Agostino (secondary) have shown, by means of posters and drawings, the work done by boys.
5. For the "Learn to live better," the expert, Marco De Pasquale and Tutor, Anna Maria Farina (primary), presented a systematic classification of plants and flowers, a collection of herbs and plants typical of the Mediterranean work in paper mache, all made by students.
6. For the "I, we and other" expert Alessandro Licata - Tutor Monella Santina Di Liberto (primary) have organized an exhibition of works created by the students, through which emerges the interpretation given by the children to the concepts of state authority, of the rules, rights and duties.
7. "The Italian and Information: the school newspaper" will be as an expert Domenico Marino and Rita as Tutor Maratta Alphonsa (secondary) will be implemented starting from September next year and, as set out by prof. Maratta, will see the construction of a school newspaper, with the release of at least two issues of it.
8. The same applies to the form "Journalists in the grass" which will have as an expert and as a Tutor Ciccone Viviana Cettina Nicastro (primary).
9. For the "Mathematics: learn by playing" the Expert Messina Silvio e il Tutor Maratta Maria Carmela (primaria) hanno illustrato attraverso la proiezione di alcune immagini quanto intendono realizzare a partire da settembre prossimo.
10. Lo stesso vale per il modulo “Tra forme e numeri” che vede come Esperto Bongiovanni Giuseppe e come Tutor Spoto Silvana (secondaria)
11. Il modulo “Noi stiamo in Europa”, Esperto Tahzib Shahin e Tutor Nocito Antonella (secondaria), ha concluso la manifestazione in bellezza, infatti gli allievi dopo avere presentato i lavori realizzati, si sono esibiti in una bella canzone di M. Jackson il cui messaggio di fratellanza, legato a dei palloncini colorati, è stato distribuito al pubblico presente.
Alla fine ha ripreso la parola la D. S. che ha voluto informare tutti i presenti che l’Isituto Comprensivo “de Cosmi” di Casteltermini ha avuto finanziati dal Fondo Sociale per lo Sviluppo Regionale dei fondi destinati alla realizzazione di laboratori musicali, di laboratori scientifici,di laboratori multimediali linguistici e per la realizzazione di nuove postazioni informatizzate per la segreteria, per i quali sono stati recentemente banditi i concorsi e che saranno molto presto posti in essere. Quindi, dopo avere ribadito il grandissimo apporto innovativo dato alla scuola dai finanziamenti europei e dopo avere ringraziato e salutato tutti gli intervenuti, ha chiuso i lavori. La manifestazione, i cui protagonisti sono stati i ragazzi, che con il loro entusiasmo hanno saputo coinvolgere the audience, besides having great success with the audience, produced a huge response, and a broad consensus on the territory.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How To Do Tech Deck Tricks Listed

Gestire le Polilinee con EDITPL

These days I have received several emails with the same question or rather the same subject, and not by some of my readers. Everyone was asking who wanted to know how to close the contours of the polylines in one step. At first I thought it was a joke, given the coincidence, but these people have not come to an agreement and did not even know. However, two using AutoCAD and other AutoCAD Map 3D.

Then, to close one-step outline of "apparently" made from closed polyline, we must use the command EDITPL . Ho precisato "apparentemente" perchè se disegnamo un contorno con il comando POLILINEA e l'ultimo tratto che chiude il contorno è stato fatto usando lo Snap di selezione FINE , graficamente il contorno apparirà chiuso, ma se lo interroghiamo con il comando EDITPL , nella riga di comando comparirà l'opzione CHIUDI , il che significa che concettualmente è un contorno aperto.

Figura 1 Esempio grafico di due contorni, il primo aperto e il secondo chiuso. Graficamente non si nota nessuna differenza.

Quando in un disegno è presente un solo contorno, dopo aver richiamato il comando EDITL , basterà semplicemente cliccare direttamente sulla polilinea da modificare; se i contorni da chiudere contemporaneamente sono tanti, bisogna sempre usare il comando EDITPL , ma invece di selezionare subito il contorno, dobbiamo scegliere l'opzione Polilinee , che ci consentirà poi in un solo passaggio di selezionare tutti i contorni di nostro piacimento e applicare una delle opzioni presenti nel menu contestuale, Figura 1. Per finire, se tra gli oggetti selezionati sono presenti Linee , Archi e Spline , il programma chi chiederà se vogliamo convertirli in Polilinea .

In Vol.1 AutoCAD 2010 Graphic Design to pag.127 and 128, you will find several exercises and video-on exercises command PEDIT .

know this procedure is very useful for those working with AutoCAD Map 3D , because if you need to export (with the command MAPEXPORT AutoCAD MAP 3D) mapping from DWG in SHP consists of edges in the polyline, it will be good to close them with the command PEDIT (whether they were still open, see Figura.1) otherwise not be exported and transformed into a polygon.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Can Grown Men Have Wet Dreams

A breve nuovo libro AutoCAD Map 3D 2010&2011

I'm finally finishing The new book on AutoCAD Map 3D, a work that will be called AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 & 2011 - Mapping from CAD to GIS . A book full of examples and exercises that will lead the reader to acquire a complete mastery of the GIS software from Autodesk. The book is divided into two major parts, one related to the management of DWG files , the association of the cards, query, topology, data location, classification and much more, while the second part dealing with FDO technology. In this book there will be a part Extra dedicated to software Autodesk Raster Design 2011 to understand how to make geotagging raster.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

2000 Blaster Blueprint

Corsi AutoCAD Certificati Autodesk

In November 2010 start of the first certified courses for Autodesk software AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map 3D . To know the types, topics and how to register for courses visit the new center ATC (Autodesk Training Center) present at Cagliari. The only teacher of the course will be signed Gabriele Congiu (Autodesk Approved Instructor) . For more technical information and explanations on the topics of the courses, you can send an email to . The courses will be a limited number and you can apply for up to 19 October per parteciparvi. Saranno comunque prese in considerazione le prime 15 domande pervenute in ordine temporale.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Desk Fan For Xbox 360

Una nuova frontiera tutta in 3D

Opificium: la rivista on-line dei Periti Industriali

"Una nuova frontiera tutta in 3D" è il titolo del primo articolo che ho scritto per la rivista tecnica Opificium del Consiglio Nazionale dei Periti Industriali e dei Periti Industriali Laureati . Non anticipo nient'altro, se siete curiosi potete leggere l'articolo clicclando CLICCA QUI . L'articolo si trova a pagina 50. Buona lettura.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Transport Tycoon Vista

Gli Express Tools: tratteggi con SUPERHATCH

Gli Express Tools di AutoCAD sono un insieme di comandi realizzati da terzi, con il linguaggio di programmazione di AutoCAD, e raggruppati nella Barra multifunzione Express Tools (di AutoCAD 2010 e 2011) Figura 1. Questi consentono di velocizzare e semplificare alcune procedure di costruzione, modifica e gestione grafica degli elaborati, come per esempio la creazione di tratteggi complessi (come vedremo in questo post), personalizzazione di linee, creare testi che si sviluppano lungo un arco e tante altre funzionalità.

Figura 1 - Barra multifunzione Express Tools con evidenziata l'icona Super HATCH

The hatches that can be used in AutoCAD, are in the file ACADISO.PAT and appear in the dialog box Palette hatch patterns, Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Dialog Palette hatch patterns

The only drawback is that AutoCAD hatches consist of a set of line segments and do not contain elements belonging to curved objects, such as bows to , circles or ellipses . If we draw a boundary with a custom item and is composed of curved elements must be real use the command SUPERHATCH , typing the command line or from a Ribbon Figure 1.

To create a hatch so complex and custom steps to follow are:

  1. Open the drawing in which you want to create the hatch;

  2. Create with the classic commands AutoCAD drawing pattern to use as a screen;

  3. transform block;

  4. SUPERHATCH Invoke the command, select the block to use as filling and place it within a boundary;

  5. Define the scale and footprint of the block, the latter identified with a polygon magenta, polygon delimit the block that is copied many times until it fills the contour;

  6. Finally, we must specify a point inside the boundary, thus creating the screening, Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Example of a graphic chart converted into block (A) and the result of the dash with the block inserted with the command SUPERHATCH (B )

This can be seen in the following video:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Salomon Helmet How Do You Remove


II The oral form of ADSL 23 / 9 and 'moved to 24 / 9 hours 15 in the 0117 study. Those who had other commitments (other tests) can 'contact the teacher to set an alternative date.

Ubuntu Pokemon Emerald Battery

test results written test results

The following students have passed the written test for 21/09/2010

Biancardi, D'Ambrosio, De Santis, Di Fonzo, Marianeschi and Hope.

So are admission to the oral.

also announces that the oral and 'moved to Friday' 24 / 9. Students who have other tests, please contact me to set another date.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Stain Removal Turmeric

Creare un'elica 3D con le Superfici MESH 3D

received several emails from readers and others, I decided to post a Video-Exercise (102 movies from one of these nel mio ultimo libro Vol.2 AutoCAD 2010&2011 Disegno 3D, Modellazione libera e Rendering ) che spiega in pochi passaggi la creazione di un'elica in 3D con l'ausilio di una Superfice Mesh 3D.

Nel libro è presente sia la descrizione del tutorial con relativo file .DWG di esempio e sia il Video-Esercizio.

Il tutorial spiega come realizzare una delle nuove Superfici 3D dell'AutoCAD 2011, partendo da un contorno creato in polilinea 2D, trasformato poi in Superficie 3D e infine quest'ultima modificata per dare la forma ad una pala dell'elica 3D.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ratchet And Clank Rhino Schematics

E ora lavoro!!!

Dopo un periodo di sano relax e di rigenerazione mental, are ready to take the reins of my work. Facing many new features that revolve in the CAD world, one of the most important and have long awaited is finally AutoCAD, version 2011, is designed for the Mac. You can start reading something on the site Autodesk waiting for my tests and evaluations, which at first view seem very interesting.

This week I will send a link to all my readers who bought books on AutoCAD, to download the ebook AutoCAD 2011 New explained that contains all the latest 2D introduced in 2011, and for 3D, are just mentioned, as were examined in the book Vol.2 2010 & AutoCAD 2011 3D Design, Modeling and Rendering free.

I am also preparing the books on AutoCAD Map 3D 2011 , the ebook on Photoshop and other 3D graphics and rendering, the latter in collaboration with other authors.

This month also will start new courses in 2010 & AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 & 2011 in the new center ATC (Autodesk Training Center) CPE Leonardo di Cagliari, held only by myself as a teacher certified Autodesk.

I can only wish all my readers a good job and good recovery.

Saludus (for those who have not understood is the greeting in Sardinian)

Gabriele Congiu

Monday, August 9, 2010

S3 Savage 2000 Xp Drivers

E ora vacanze!!!

From now until August 30th I'll be on vacation ... even if not completely detach the plug. I await the return of full months of activities, from training, implementation of other books on Photoshop and AutoCAD Map, and in forging the new publishing works on the graphics. In addition, for those who have purchased the Vol.1 AutoCAD 2010 2D graphic design , will receive a free ebook the AutoCAD 2011 New . I wish all my readers happy holidays and are a refreshing break, the best way to deal with the frenzy to return to work.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Gay Crusing Spots In Toronto

21/9/2010 15/7/2010

List of students who passed the second form of written proof of 15/7/2010.

Camillacci, 24
Fenaroli, 27,
Fortuna, 25
Giovannotti, 26
Proietto, 24
Volpi, 24

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Does Viera Stand For

La nuova variabile HpQuickPreview

In AutoCAD 2011 you can preview a hatch, simply invoking the Hatch and moving the cursor within a contour to be hatched. This is possible thanks to the new variable introduced in AutoCAD 2011, HpQuickPreview , by default set to ON .

When we draw a boundary part of a complex design, you may want to disable the variable HpQuickPreview , setting it on OFF, or by passing the cursor inside the boundary, before it is displayed preview hatching, we aspettare diversi secondi, anche 10-15 secondi. Il tempo di attesa nel visualizzare l'anteprima del tratteggio, può dipendere dalla configurazione hardware del PC e dalla complessità del disegno.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Do Alcoholics Like Sugar

Lombok Good bye! Toward Home .. "...

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Huge Women With Huge Vuginas

last sunset in Gili Trawangan, emerges from the clouds

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Black Proto Scooter Wheels

Rinjani Rinjani from Gili Trawangan Island -008.3509 ° / ° +116.0446

Date & Time: Sun Jun 20 09:57:56 2010 SGT
Position: -008.3509 ° / ° +116.0446
Altitude: 86m
Azimuth / Bearing: 103 & # 176; S77E
Elevation Angle: -01.8 °
Horizon Angle: +03.1 °
Zoom: 1X, 116.044649

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Lowepro Slingshot 100 Onepolar

... the sun sets and the Gunung Agung suddenly appears on the horizon

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