Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Soul Silver Cheats R4ds

Environmental Education The educational response to bullying among pupils

Interventi sul bullismo in classe
di Simona Caravita
fonte: INDIRE

La Corte di Cassazione ha indicato di custodire in carcere e non in comunità gli adolescenti autori di gravi e reiterati episodi di prevaricazione e teppismo. Se di fronte a eventi di particolare gravità e a comportamenti prepotenti che si configurano come apertamente delinquenziali recourse to the courts and stricter enforcement measures are necessary, it is true that the phenomenon of bullying in schools primarily requires the implementation of educational responses by the school context that is the stage.

Moving in this direction, the national scientific research (Fonzi, 1997, 1999; Menesini, 2000, 2003 etc..) And international (Olweus, 1993; Sharp and Smith, 1995, etc.) has developed and experimented with various methods and intervention programs with the intent to prevent and combat the spread of bullying among pupils of primary and secondary and second level.

Choosing flexible adaptation to the school situation of the proposed action you want to apply, however, may be made only after extensive number of dimensions that characterize the problem of bullying.
In this respect the literature (Olweus, 1993; Fonzi, 1997; Menesini, 2003; Caravita, 2004; Gini, 2005 etc..) Agrees to identify intentions and harassment, bullying and the recurrence of nell'asimmetria internal power to bully-victim report the most significant aspects of this phenomenon and which distinguish it from aggressive behavior generally implemented by individual children or teens. In particular, the recurrence of bullying and the imbalance in power between the bully and his target are factors which clearly emphasize the relational nature of bullying: Bullying is a problem that affects the abusive relationship between a student and a student pushed beyond their limits in relation the roles of bully and victim tend to crystallize over time and comes to involve all students in the class, albeit with different roles of bully, assistant of bully, a supporter of the bully, defender of the victim, the victim and external (Salmivalli et al ., 1996).

This specificity of bullying as a problem that affects the relational systems of the classroom and the school has not been neglected by the experts who prepared the intervention techniques generally require not focus exclusively on young people who suffer from the arrogance and the boys but problematic to address the whole class group and the whole of the school context.

methodologies and intervention programs
In this perspective, particularly effective results are the ecological and systemic approaches to the problem, as the program structured by Olweus (1993) and that established da Sharp e Smith (1995), che richiedono attività a diverso livello (di scuola, di classe e sui singoli individui) e che coinvolgono l’intero sistema scolastico (dirigenza, docenti, personale non-docente, alunni, famiglie e agenzie correlate alla scuola) con l’intento di attivare un cambiamento del clima, delle norme e dei valori propri dell’istituzione educativa e un mutamento nei soggetti a rischio.

Uno strumento particolarmente utile per tali finalità, e previsto dai programmi di intervento strutturato, è la predisposizione di una politica di prevenzione e contrasto del bullismo, ossia una dichiarazione di intenti che diriga l’azione internal organization of the school, divided into a series of objectives agreed by the various components of the school and prepared a document that officially. Such a procedure tends to create a community in the establishment of principles of action which render consistent over time and between individuals, individual educational interventions designed to combat bullying.
The various programs, then, differ in the types of activities offered at the three levels of school, class and individual, but this unified approach aimed at giving the task of educating the school is successful.

A different approach is taken from the proposals focused on the support of friends like the model of intervention friend (Menesini, 2003), which still require to engage in action to prevent and combat bullying of all pupils in the class. If the Operator's friend, for example, all students of the rotating part in a training aimed to enhance their natural ability to support others so that then exert their efforts to support the comrades in difficulties in everyday life school.
less structured mode of action, also effectively take advantage of the opportunities that education. Watching movies, reading and discussion with the class of literature addressing the issue of bullying and relationships between friends, role-playing and creative writing are teaching tools that can be used to sensitize students to the problem and increase their sensitivity to the victims, as long as employees in a structured way to think about bullying and the need to combat it.

If there are students in the class bullies
Despite the variety of individual modes of operation quickly outlined in this brief overview, the literature come some general guidelines for setting up of educational classroom when incidents of abuse occur among peers.

The first effective answer lies in the coherence and consistency of operations of adult education. Teachers must coordinate with each other and hopefully to intervene with families with the same firmness in the face of large and small bullying, punishing such conduct, but without labeling the perpetrators as "bullies", so as to avoid to adjust to this role. On the positive side also the behaviors of support and help between students should be encouraged and explicitly approved, especially if entered into by young people who have proven bullying in the past.
The complex nature of relational bullying, most recently, as mentioned requires the intervention does not focus only on children at risk of becoming bullies or victims but to turn to the group within which arise, spread, and find support harassment between peers. Specifically, students who seek to neutral not to get involved in the dynamics of bullying must be impelled to intervene in defense and protection of victims, while his companions who support the abuse with their tacit approval must be made aware of the physical and psychological suffering of those who is the subject of bullying. Only active engagement all teachers and all students can be prevented and combated bullying.

CARAVITA S. (2004), overpowering the pupil. Know and bullying in schools, London: The school.
A. Fonzi (1997), Bullying in Italy. The phenomenon of bullying at school, from Piedmont to Sicily. Research and intervention perspectives, Florence: Giunti.
A. Fonzi (1999), The cruel game. Studies and research on the psychological correlates of bullying, Firenze: Giunti.
GINI G. (2005), Il bullismo. Le regole della prepotenza tra caratteristiche individuali e potere nel gruppo, Roma: Edizioni Carlo Amore.
MENESINI E. (2000), Bullismo che fare?Prevenzione e strategie d’intervento nella scuola, Firenze: Giunti.
MENESINI E. (2003), Bullismo: Le azioni efficaci della scuola. Percorsi italiani alla prevenzione e all’intervento, Trento: Erickson.
OLWEUS D. (1979), Stability of Aggressive Reaction Patterns in Males: A Review, in “Psychological Bullettin”, 86, 4, 852-875.
OLWEUS D.(1993), Bullismo a scuola, Firenze: Giunti, 1996.
SALMIVALLI C., LAGERSPETZ K.M.J., BJORKQVIST K. (1996), “Bullying as a group process: Participant Roles and Their Relations to Social Status Within the Group”, in Aggressive Behavior, 22, 1-15.
SHARP S., SMITH P.K. (1995), Bulli e prepotenti nella scuola. Prevenzione e tecniche educative, Trento: Erickson.
Simona Caravita è ricercatrice dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore presso il Centro di Ricerca delle Tecnologie dell’Istruzione.


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