Sunday, September 26, 2010

Transport Tycoon Vista

Gli Express Tools: tratteggi con SUPERHATCH

Gli Express Tools di AutoCAD sono un insieme di comandi realizzati da terzi, con il linguaggio di programmazione di AutoCAD, e raggruppati nella Barra multifunzione Express Tools (di AutoCAD 2010 e 2011) Figura 1. Questi consentono di velocizzare e semplificare alcune procedure di costruzione, modifica e gestione grafica degli elaborati, come per esempio la creazione di tratteggi complessi (come vedremo in questo post), personalizzazione di linee, creare testi che si sviluppano lungo un arco e tante altre funzionalità.

Figura 1 - Barra multifunzione Express Tools con evidenziata l'icona Super HATCH

The hatches that can be used in AutoCAD, are in the file ACADISO.PAT and appear in the dialog box Palette hatch patterns, Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Dialog Palette hatch patterns

The only drawback is that AutoCAD hatches consist of a set of line segments and do not contain elements belonging to curved objects, such as bows to , circles or ellipses . If we draw a boundary with a custom item and is composed of curved elements must be real use the command SUPERHATCH , typing the command line or from a Ribbon Figure 1.

To create a hatch so complex and custom steps to follow are:

  1. Open the drawing in which you want to create the hatch;

  2. Create with the classic commands AutoCAD drawing pattern to use as a screen;

  3. transform block;

  4. SUPERHATCH Invoke the command, select the block to use as filling and place it within a boundary;

  5. Define the scale and footprint of the block, the latter identified with a polygon magenta, polygon delimit the block that is copied many times until it fills the contour;

  6. Finally, we must specify a point inside the boundary, thus creating the screening, Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Example of a graphic chart converted into block (A) and the result of the dash with the block inserted with the command SUPERHATCH (B )

This can be seen in the following video:


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