Monday, October 25, 2010

Bmx - Bike Painting Application..

Europe Day Rank

State Comprehensive School

"GA De Cosmo"

Piazza Mazzini, Tel 0922.916471 Fax 0922.916062

District No. 008 - CF 80007730841

Casteltermini 92025 - Ag

@-mail: web site:


Ob. C1-PON-FSE-2009-4882
ANNUALITÀ 2009/2010
Ob. A-1-FESR-2008-527 - B-1.A-FESR-2008-389 –
B-1.B-FESR-2008-503 - B-1.C-FESR-2008-492 –
A-1-FESR-2008-560 - B-1.B-FESR-2008-531
ANNUALITÀ 2008/2009

Casteltermini, 07/06/2010
Secondo quanto previsto dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università and Research, Department of Planning, Directorate General for International Affairs - Planning and management of European Structural Funds and national development and social cohesion, on May 9 in all European Union countries is celebrated every year, Europe Day, which falls under this initiative, the directives of the Council Regulation No 1828/2006 of the European Commission, the Ministerial Circular No 2046 of 02.04.2009 and Circular No Regional 3013 of 09/04/2009, all educational institutions on project funded by the European Structural Funds, have agreed to organize the day nine or any other day of the month of May, an event intended to provide the institutions, parents, students and citizens of the area information on the implementation of interventions and opportunities that come true thanks to the resources of the European Union.
This educational institution has made this event on 29 May last, on the premises of the cinema theater "Enzo Di Pisa, from 16.30 to 18.30, in the presence of the authorities, police, representatives educational institutions, trade union representatives, families of the participants, to illustrate, through reports, papers, exhibitions and more, that has been realized within each of the modules in the Integrated Plan of the Institute riguardo ai Progetti PON-FSE-2007 IT 05 1 PO 007 “Competenze per lo Sviluppo” e quanto verrà realizzato nell'ambito dei Progetti PON-FESR-2007 IT 17 1 PO 004 “Ambienti per l’apprendimento” sopraelencati, già autorizzati a questa Istituzione e in fase di realizzazione.
Il programma della manifestazione ha visto, dopo una breve presentazione dei PON da parte della Dirigente Scolastica, dott.ssa Pina Butera, l’intervento del Presidente del Consiglio Comunale, dott. Giuseppe Amoroso, il quale ha espresso tutto il suo apprezzamento per quanto la Scuola riesce a realizzare grazie ai finanziamenti dell’Unione Europea, attraverso i quali è possibile conseguire un innalzamento dell’offerta formativa and quality of services and facilities made available to more and more demanding of users, who wants to put on a par with levels recorded in the rest of Europe.
are then briefly attended the facilitator, ins. Concetta De Marco, the evaluator, prof. Maratta Alphonsa, who, after still stressed the enormous opportunities offered by the ESF and ERDF co-financing and the Ministry of Education, University and Research, have shown in a few words what has been achieved under the ESF and ERDF previous years, highlighting the huge fallout of the same skills and the maturity of the students who benefited of training activities with the resources that Europe has made available to the school.
At this point all the modules already completed and those yet to be achieved were presented to the audience by their experts and tutors.
1. For the "Learning by doing", the Expert, Valeria Nicastro and Tutor, Molinari Maria Antonella (primary), presented a brochure and an interesting DVD, produced with the kids of the fifth class of primary school, where students describe the first in English and then in Italian monuments, traditions, festivals, the culture of our country.
2. Immediately after the module "typing, typing 3," the Expert James Alexander and the Tutor, Varsalona Nunziata (secondary) presented a video, produced by the children who attended the course, on the Feast of Tatara.
3. For the "Retracing the past to understand the present," the expert, David Gaetano Severino and Tutor, Sammartino Sebastian (secondary) reported, through an interesting video, as realized within the activities of the course and in particular the rediscovery of the Sicilian tradition of children's games such as "cucuzzaro", the "SIPA", the game of "tweaks" and others.
4. Then it was the turn of the form "The state is us," for which the Expert, Alessandra Ciccone and Tutor, Farruggia Agostino (secondary) have shown, by means of posters and drawings, the work done by boys.
5. For the "Learn to live better," the expert, Marco De Pasquale and Tutor, Anna Maria Farina (primary), presented a systematic classification of plants and flowers, a collection of herbs and plants typical of the Mediterranean work in paper mache, all made by students.
6. For the "I, we and other" expert Alessandro Licata - Tutor Monella Santina Di Liberto (primary) have organized an exhibition of works created by the students, through which emerges the interpretation given by the children to the concepts of state authority, of the rules, rights and duties.
7. "The Italian and Information: the school newspaper" will be as an expert Domenico Marino and Rita as Tutor Maratta Alphonsa (secondary) will be implemented starting from September next year and, as set out by prof. Maratta, will see the construction of a school newspaper, with the release of at least two issues of it.
8. The same applies to the form "Journalists in the grass" which will have as an expert and as a Tutor Ciccone Viviana Cettina Nicastro (primary).
9. For the "Mathematics: learn by playing" the Expert Messina Silvio e il Tutor Maratta Maria Carmela (primaria) hanno illustrato attraverso la proiezione di alcune immagini quanto intendono realizzare a partire da settembre prossimo.
10. Lo stesso vale per il modulo “Tra forme e numeri” che vede come Esperto Bongiovanni Giuseppe e come Tutor Spoto Silvana (secondaria)
11. Il modulo “Noi stiamo in Europa”, Esperto Tahzib Shahin e Tutor Nocito Antonella (secondaria), ha concluso la manifestazione in bellezza, infatti gli allievi dopo avere presentato i lavori realizzati, si sono esibiti in una bella canzone di M. Jackson il cui messaggio di fratellanza, legato a dei palloncini colorati, è stato distribuito al pubblico presente.
Alla fine ha ripreso la parola la D. S. che ha voluto informare tutti i presenti che l’Isituto Comprensivo “de Cosmi” di Casteltermini ha avuto finanziati dal Fondo Sociale per lo Sviluppo Regionale dei fondi destinati alla realizzazione di laboratori musicali, di laboratori scientifici,di laboratori multimediali linguistici e per la realizzazione di nuove postazioni informatizzate per la segreteria, per i quali sono stati recentemente banditi i concorsi e che saranno molto presto posti in essere. Quindi, dopo avere ribadito il grandissimo apporto innovativo dato alla scuola dai finanziamenti europei e dopo avere ringraziato e salutato tutti gli intervenuti, ha chiuso i lavori. La manifestazione, i cui protagonisti sono stati i ragazzi, che con il loro entusiasmo hanno saputo coinvolgere the audience, besides having great success with the audience, produced a huge response, and a broad consensus on the territory.


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