Friday, February 25, 2011

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Lucca schools follow the innovative technologies

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Presented a project that introduces robotics classroom . For a practical approach to knowledge

educational robotics and new technologies are put into schools in the area of \u200b\u200bLucca . The zonal education Plains Conference, led by the city of Lucca and composed by the municipalities of Capannori, Alton, Porcari, Monte Carlo, and Cilla Pescaglia Basilica was awarded a contract in fact made by the Department of Education Region of Tuscany with a project innovative technology called innovative .
Caratterizzato dall’essere un’iniziativa trasversale, che prevede la collaborazione tra istituti di diverso ordine e grado, Tecnologie innovative nasce per introdurre la robotica nelle scuole, favorendo così la realizzazione di ambienti di apprendimento in grado di coniugare teoria e pratica . In questo modo agli alunni sarà proposto un approccio fortemente costruttivista del sapere, che insegnerà loro a operare concretamente, attraverso l'interazione sul piano tecnologico (componenti attivi, motori, sensori), sul piano informatico (programmazione) e sul piano creativo (ricerca, invenzione, applicazione).
A seconda della fascia d’età, i ragazzi coinvolti in innovative technologies will thus learn to work on the simple robot in kit form and can then develop a project themselves, including how to work in practice with scientific method . In fact, each plays a role within the team that is made, also depending on their inclinations. During the project each school will develop their own educational paths with specific objectives, although it is possible to envisage educational tours that follow a common pattern: the gradual growth of skills and competencies, with a significant rate in the cognitive transition from classroom to classroom and an order to another school.


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