Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Get Lightheaded Smoking Cigarette

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The characteristics of Quotas can also be set by variables; are 81 in AutoCAD 2011 and all begin with the prefix DIM, for example DIMCLRD (to set the color of the dimension line), DIMLTYPE ('s Setting the linetype of the dimension line), DIMTEX (to set the text style of current portion) and so on. You do not need to know, since all aspects are easily changed through the dialog box Dimension Style Manager and consequently through the Modify Style dialog box share, Figure 1. When AutoCAD was designed for the version DOS, it was essential to know the variables, and now, fortunately only a faint memory.

Figure 1 - Change dialog box dimension style

If you want to know all the variables contained in AutoCAD you type one command MODIVAR . This variable is also valid for earlier versions of AutoCAD 2011.


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